Published Survey

Format options

CSV downloadExports results in CSV that can be imported back into the current webform.Delimited textExports results as delimited text file.HTML TableExports results as an HTML table.JSON documentsExports results as JSON documents.YAML documentsExports results as YAML documents.
If checked, all entity references will use the entity's UUID
This is the delimiter used in the CSV/TSV file when downloading webform results. Using tabs in the export is the most reliable method for preserving non-latin characters. You may want to change this to another character depending on the program with which you anticipate importing results.
If checked, the generated file's carriage returns will be compatible with Excel and a marker flagging the data as UTF-8 will be added at the beginning.
If checked, the download file extension will be change from .html to .xls.
Used to create unique file names for exported submissions.
Used to create unique file names for exported submissions.

Element options

The delimiter used when an element has multiple values.

Header options

Column header format
Choose whether to show the element label or element key in each column header.

Select menu, radio buttons, and checkboxes options

Options single value format
Elements that collect a single option value include select menus, radios, and buttons.
Options multiple values format
Elements that collect multiple option values include multi-select, checkboxes, and toggles.
Options item format

Composite element options

Composite element item format

Entity reference options

Entity reference format
The selected columns will be included in the export.
Title Name Date type/Element type
Serial number serial integer
Submission ID sid integer
Submission UUID uuid uuid
Submission URI uri string
Created created created
Completed completed timestamp
Changed changed changed
Is draft in_draft boolean
Current page current_page string
Remote IP address remote_addr string
Submitted by uid entity_reference
Language langcode language
Webform webform_id entity_reference
Submitted to: Entity type entity_type string
Submitted to: Entity ID entity_id string
Locked locked boolean
Sticky sticky boolean
Notes notes string_long
Active active radios
Institution Name institution_name textfield
Program Name program_name textfield
Degree Type degree_type radios
Short Name short_name textfield
Banner Image: banner_image textfield
If you need to post a notification below your school name, please enter it here: notify_title textarea
Address 1 school_street_1 textfield
Address 2 school_street_2 textfield
Address 3 school_street_3 textfield
City school_city textfield
State school_state webform_select_other
Zip/Postal Code school_zip textfield
Country school_country select
Program Location: program_location select
Admissions Office Contact(s): contact webform_custom_composite
Institutional Website: contact_website url
Contact Information Video: ci_video_embed text_format
I would like to mark this section as done. contact_info_done checkboxes
What is your application deadline for the upcoming academic year? deadline_date date
Does this program use rolling admissions? rolling_admissions checkboxes
Is your program participating in PharmGrad? pgrad_participation radios
Link to Application link_to_application text_format
Application Fee: pgrad_app_fee textfield
Application Deadline Description: application_deadline_description textarea
I would like to mark this section as done. program_deadline_done checkboxes
Program Description pgrad_prog_desc textarea
Program Description Video: phgd_pi_video_embed text_format
I would like to mark this section as done. program_description_done checkboxes
Is your institution public or private? pgrad_pubpriv radios
Is your program accepting applications for this program? pgrad_accepting_apps radios
Program Start Term: program_start_term checkboxes
Satellite/Branch campuses: pgrad_campus textfield
I would like to mark this section as done. institution_info_done checkboxes
Credits Required for Degree: credits_required_for_degree number
Required Rotations: required_rotations checkboxes
Seminars: pgrad_semi radios
College-based Qualifying/Comprehensive Exam: pgrad_qualify radios
Other Qualifying Exams or Certifications: pgrad_other_qualifying_exams_or_certifications radios
Thesis/Dissertation: pgrad_thesis radios
Additional Information about Degree Requirements: degree_requiremnts_add_info textarea
I would like to mark this section as done. degree_requirements_done checkboxes
Delivery Method delivery_method webform_radios_other
Curricular Focus or Concentration: curricular_focus_or_concentration textfield
Area(s) of Study: areas_of_study checkboxes
Enter any additional degree information regarding your curricular focus or concentration and/or area(s) of study: focus_additional_degree_information textarea
I would like to mark this section as done. degree_info_done checkboxes
Have you previously enrolled students in this program? program_statistics_previous radios
Last academic year-number of accepted students for your program: pg_last_year_number_accepted number
United States pgrad_gps_est number
International international number
Last academic year-average overall GPA of the accepted students: pg_last_year_average_gpa number
Have you graduated your first class for this program? program_statistics_graduated radios
Academia pgrad_aca_jb_plce number
Industry pgrad_ind_jb_plce number
Government pgrad_gov_jb_plce number
Other pgrad_oth_jb_plce number
Unknown pgrad_unk_jb_plce number
Enter any additional information regarding job placements: additional_job_placements_info textarea
Last 5 academic years-estimated average years of study to graduation: pgrad_avg_yrs_grad number
I would like to mark this section as done. program_stats_done checkboxes
Is the GRE required? pgrad_gre_req radios
Is a GRE Subject Test Required or Recommended? gre_required radios
Oldest GRE considered: pgrad_gre_oldest textfield
Verbal Reasoning: pgrad_verbal textfield
Quantitative Reasoning: pgrad_quant textfield
Analytical Writing: pgrad_analytic textfield
Enter any additional information regarding the GRE: pgrad_gre_desc textarea
Are any of the following tests required for international applicants? pgrad_toefl_req radios
Other tests or credentials: pgrad_oth_tests textarea
I would like to mark this section as done. gre_and_other_tests_done checkboxes
Are letters of recommendations required by your program? pgrad_lor_req radios
If yes, how many letters of recommendation are required? pgrad_lor_acc number
Enter any additional information regarding recommendations: pgrad_lof_acc textarea
I would like to mark this section as done. letters_of_recommendation_done checkboxes
Minimum overall GPA considered: pgrad_ovrl_gpa_cons number
Recommended overall GPA considered: pgrad_recommended_overall_gpa_considered number
Enter any additional information regarding application or admission requirements: pgrad_oth_cred textarea
I would like to mark this section as done. other_admission_done checkboxes
Percentage of students receiving financial support: pgrad_fic_support number
Type of financial support available: type_of_financial_support_available checkboxes
What is the minimum financial support for eligible students apart from tuition remission? minimum_financial_support textfield
Enter any additional information regarding financial support: pgrad_fic_other_info textarea
I would like to mark this section as done. financial_support_done checkboxes
Is your institution participating in the PharmGrad-facilitated Criminal Background Check (CBC) Service? cbc_grad_radio radios
Is your institution participating in the PharmGrad-facilitated Drug Screening Service? drug_grad_radio radios
I would like to mark this section as done. cbc_and_drug_screening_done checkboxes
Admin Status admin_status select
Old ID old_id number
AACP Institution Number aacp_institution_number number
SIDS sids radios

Download options

If checked, the export file will be automatically download to your local machine. If unchecked, the export file will be displayed as plain text within your browser.
Order submissions by ascending (oldest first) or descending (newest first).
If checked, only starred/flagged submissions will be downloaded. If unchecked, all submissions will downloaded.
Submission state

Archive options

Select the archive file type for submission file uploads and generated documents.